
overview of telomerase rna component gene hterc transcriptional regulation

PAG Title overview of telomerase rna component gene hterc transcriptional regulation
PAG ID WAG000637
Type P
Source Link BioCarta
Publication Reference NA
PAG Description Telomerase is an enzyme which replicates the termil sequences of eukaryotic chromosomes, mely the telomeres. Cells which have an unlimited replicative capacity such as male germ cells and the majority of human cancers have high levels of telomerase activity. The level and frequency of telomerase activity in more than 85% of all cancers highlights the critical role telomerase plays in tumor progression. Telomerase activation is the most common general marker for a cancer cell to date making it an attractive target for new cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. Human telomerase activity can be reconstituted in vitro by the essential R subunit, hTERC, and the catalytic protein component coded for by the hTERT gene. Both the human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene (hTERT) and the telomerase R gene (hTERC) are controlled at least in part at the transcriptiol level. The hTERC gene is expressed at high levels in cancer cells, and is absent or at low levels in some normal tissues.
Species Homo sapiens
nCoCo Score 1,153
Base PAG ID WAG000637
Human Phenotyte Annotation
Curator PAGER curation team
Curator Contact PAGER-contact@googlegroups.com
Gene ID Gene symbol Gene name RP_score
Gene A Gene B Source SCORE

Gene A Gene B Mechanism Source
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